Jacinta Howard
35 Years Ago: Mayte Turns the Tables With ‘The Most Beautiful Boy in the World’
The singer's lead single was a female reinterpretation of the Prince hit.
$4,117 Sale Earns Prince Top Spot on Most Expensive Cassette List
The price was nearly $2,000 more than the second-place title.
How Sheila E. Broke Down Ringo Starr’s Drumming Style
"I couldn’t believe how his simplicity of playing drums was actually very complicated."
35 Years Ago: ‘Ice Cream Castles’ Signals the End for the Time
The band's most commercially successful album to date also signaled the end of an era.
Prince’s ‘Controversy': A Guide to Every Track
'Controversy' showed glimpses of the crossover appeal that would hurtle Prince to stardom just three years later.
When Prince Shaded Michael Jackson’s Offer to Sing on ‘Bad’
When you look at the history between the two mega-stars, Prince's refusal isn't shocking.
Home Where Prince and Michael Jackson Recorded Can Be Yours for $1.9 Million
The home's two studios were used for the production of 'Purple Rain' and 'Thriller.'